BOE Chair Op


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Jan 09, 2024

BOE Chair Op

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful and restorative summer filled with family, friends, and fun. We are looking forward to another great year of Wilton education excellence. Today marks the

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful and restorative summer filled with family, friends, and fun. We are looking forward to another great year of Wilton education excellence.

Today marks the schools’ return to full life, but the work never stopped. There is so much great work going on across the district. At Miller-Driscoll, purposeful play is being further integrated into the classrooms and curriculum. Cider Mill is slowing down the pace of the day to increase connection, community, and deep engagement. Middlebrook is starting the new year with a new schedule. At Wilton High School, work continues on the Portrait of a Graduate with a focus on design thinking and portfolio projects that encourage students to follow their curiosity and passion. At all schools, STEM programs continue to grow and evolve.

The June edition of The Learning Professional featured an article about Wilton’s success in implementing the acceleration framework. The acceleration framework is a Covid silver lining. The article highlights Wilton’s coordinated effort, from district office to classroom, to design and implement academic tasks that prioritize grade-level essential concepts and skills and encourage engagement in deep learning and student self-efficacy. We are excited to see this work continue with our curriculum experts, instructional coaches, and teachers working together to support student growth and achievement. We should all be extremely proud — student growth and achievement across the district is remarkable.

Convocation was Wednesday morning (Aug. 23), and what a morning we had celebrating all our teachers and staff! Each year, Convocation brings the excitement and promise that comes with the start of a new school year. There is nothing that a dedicated group of professionals cannot achieve. Our staff is brimming with talent and brilliance that not just shows up, but also delivers — and delivering is not always easy. Thank you to them.

On Thursday, the magic was fully back as kids hit the classrooms to meet their teachers. Each building was abuzz with excitement and smiling faces. Thank you to our outstanding custodial staff who had the buildings ready to fulfill their purpose and keep them running all year long.

This year also marks the start of Superintendent Kevin Smith’s 10th year leading Wilton’s world-class education system. His commitment to the education and well-being of our children is unparalleled. His steady calm, quiet strength, and vision continue to guide this district to excellence. We benefit on a daily basis from his ability to make each day count and also see present challenges through a long-term lens. Thank you, Superintendent Smith.

Today, kindergartners step off the bus for the first time and seniors have their last first day. Each child who walks through our doors gets one chance at each grade. The Wilton education community is ready to serve each and every learner.

Thank you to every district employee for all your hard work, and professional and personal commitment to Wilton’s children. Thank you parents and families for your trust, support, and partnership. Here’s to a great year!

Miller-DriscollCider MillMiddlebrookWilton High SchoolPortrait of a GraduateSuperintendent Kevin Smith